WoW Timewalking – How To Take Part In The Weekly Bonus Event

When it comes to Warlords of Draenor, it is usually something that causes an immediate negative reaction from pretty much any World of Warcraft enjoyer. However, one of the best features that we have today, which is WoW Timewalking, was actually released in that frowned-upon expansion in the patch 6.2.0, which is something that a lot of people are surprised by.

WoW Timewalking Explained

The WoW Timewalking event is something that becomes available in the game every now and then for a week or two, and during this time, players can queue up for dungeons that are part of older expansions. This allows players who are at level 60 or above to experience dungeons from the past while getting rewards for their current level.

WoW Timewalking - How To Take Part In The Weekly Bonus Event

@ Blizzard

While you might think that this is something that players can do anyway, as all dungeons are accessible at all times, WoW Timewalking actually scales all of the dungeons by downgrading the player’s item level. This puts an extra challenge on the old dungeons, and it also spices up the monotony of doing dungeons from the current expansion for gear over and over.

WoW Timewalking Requirements

When it comes to the WoW Timewalking requirements, they are not that demanding, as they are more of a for-fun event than one that offers the hardest challenges and gives loot of such level. In order to join a time-walking dungeon, all you have to do is be level 60 and have an item level of 180 at least. Achieving both level 60 and the minimum item level 180 are relatively easy, even for casual players.

To join a group during Timewalking, simply open the Group Finder and select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown menu. Here, you will be matched with players who also queue up during the Timewalking event for dungeons or WoW raids related to the event.

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WoW Timewalking Guide

There is not much to cover when it comes to the WoW Timewalking guide, as the event is rather simple. Of course, we could cover all the dungeons that are offered in the WoW Timewalking events in detail, but that would be quite a read, and the mechanics of old content is something that is much easier to learn in practice than in theory if you are already not familiar with it.

While Timewalking is active, players will generally receive a quest that requires them to do 5 Timewalking Dungeons, which will reward one piece of non-tier gear from the Normal Vault of the Incarnates. Another thing to consider during Timewalking is that all reputation gains from the corresponding expansion are increased by 50%.

Something that is worth mentioning is that all of the bosses during Timewalking have a chance to drop Reins of the Infinite Timereaver, a WoW mount that is an Infinite drake.

During each Timewalking event, different vendors will offer different items which can be purchased with Timewarped Badges that you can obtain by killing bosses in Timewalking dungeons. There are too many items to cover, but you should know that you can purchase gear, toys, rare WoW pets, mounts, and some other items. Make sure to check them all out now that we have WoW Timewalking explained to you for your epic journey!

WoW Timewalking - How To Take Part In The Weekly Bonus Event

@ Wowhead

WoW Timewalking Event Vendors

Burning Crusade

  • Cupri at Terrace of Light, Shattrath City (Outland)
  • Vormu at Terrace of Light, Shattrath City / Karabor Sewers, Black Temple

Wrath of the Lich King

  • Auzin at Runeweaver Square, Dalaran (Northrend)
  • Vormu at Runeweaver Square, Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest
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  • Kiatke at Stormwind City / Ogrimmar
  • Vormu Western Earthshrine, Orgrimmar / Eastern Earthshrine, Stormwind City / Firelands (instance)

Mists of Pandaria

  • Mistweaver Xia at Celestial Court, Timeless Isle

Warlords of Draenor

  • Kronnus at Warspear, Ashran (Horde Only)
  • Tempra at Stormshield, Ashran (Alliance Only)


  • Aridormi at Krasus’ Landing, Dalaran (The Broken Isles)

WoW Timewalking Calendar

Just like in the previous expansion, Timewalking is a Weekly Bonus Event and is in that rotation. It will appear every three weeks, starting at 8 AM realm time and ending at 7 AM realm time.

WoW Timewalking - How To Take Part In The Weekly Bonus Event

@ Wowhead

Since it is every three weeks, there are 18 Timewalking events per year, and here is the full WoW Timewalking Calendar for the remainder of 2025.

  • Legion – July 25th until August 1st / November 28th until December 5th.
  • Burning Crusade – August 15th until August 22nd / December 19th until December 26th.
  • Wrath of the Lich King – September 5th until September 12th.
  • Cataclysm – September 26th until October 3rd.
  • Mists of Pandaria – October 17th until October 24th.
  • Warlords of Draenor – November 7th until November 14th.

WoW Next Timewalking Options

At the moment, almost all expansions are a part of the Timewalking Event in World of Warcraft, and when it comes to the WoW next Timewalking expansion, it is going to be Battle for Azeroth or Shadowlands.

It is important to note that some expansions that already have Timewalking can always get new dungeons added to the pool, or even a raid, which is quite exciting. However, until we get a new Timewalking event, keep grinding those Timewarped Badges and buy all of the items that vendors have to offer.

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