WoW Best Race For A Mage » Based on Your Gameplay

Also called Wizard, Magician, or Magus, Mages are damage-dealing spellcasters specializing in AOE (area of effect) spells and burst damage. Mages are known for their amazing damage output and CC (crowd control) abilities. As a Mage, you are able to adapt to many utility roles, like opening Portals to the major cities or conjuring refreshments for your allies. Playing a mage can be quite fun since you always get to find creative ways to use your magic. But what is the WoW best race for a Mage?

Well, your primary goal in lower levels is to deal damage and provide CC. But, at end-game levels, Mages have impressive damage output with useful abilities that can help on the battlefield.

During PvP, Mages can deal ranged damage and control their enemies. So, the best race for a Mage will depend on your playstyle overall. Here is what we have to say about WoW best races for a Mage on esports guides.

WoW Best Race For A Mage » Based on Your Gameplay

@ Blizzard

PvE Mages

Alliance: Void Elves

Void Elves are a race of Void-infused elves who are affiliated with the Alliance. They were originally Blood Elves who, because of their research of the Void, were exiled from Silvermoon City. After being transformed by the void ethereal, they were rescued by Alleria Windrunner. Void Elves were permanently transformed by this process, and they pledged their loyalty to the Alliance, as well as to Alleria Windrunner as their leader.

They are quite powerful due to their racial passive, the ‘Preternatural Calm.’ Void Elves do not have a casting pushback when taking damage. Thus regardless of the fights, random adds, and passive AOE damage, you don’t have to worry about delay. Let’s also not forget the ‘Entropic Embrace,’ which is a great passive that buffs your damage output by 5% every 60 seconds.

Horde: Nightborne

Also called the Shal’dorei in their native tongue, Nightborne were introduced at the end of Legion. Nightborne came from Night Elves, who decided to hide from the world during the first Burning Legion attack on Azeroth. This caused the Nightborne to ally with demons during their third invasion. Once they were liberated, they felt a sort of kinship with the Blood Elves, which is when they joined the Horde.

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Nightborne is considered one of the best races for Mages because of their ‘Magical Affinity’ passive. It provides you with a 1% increase to all the magic damage. Considering all the damage you deal is magic, that is an amazing bonus. You also have the ‘Arcane Pulse’ racial passive, which offers a strong AOE blast that deals DOT (damage over time) to your enemies, slowing them by 50%.

PvP Mages

Alliance: Humans

Collectively referred to as humanity or mankind, Humans are a resilient species and the natives of Azeroth. They are descended from the Vrykul of Northrend, the barbaric half-giant. Humans were born weak and deformed because of the Curse of Flesh. They were supposed to be exterminated to keep their race pure, but not all Vrykul were able to kill their children. Instead, they took them away to the Northern Eastern Kingdoms.

Humans have the ‘Will to Survive,’ which is a free stun cleanser. It will free one of the trinket slots, allowing players to run something alongside Gladiator’s Medallion. There are also other good WoW PvP trinkets you can consider.

Horde: Orcs

Orcs are a physically powerful and prolific race. They come from the world of Draenor. After being corrupted by a demon lord of the Burning Legion, Kil’jaeden, they were manipulated into creating the Horde, waging war on the peaceful race of Draenei. This demonic corruption also caused Orcs to be filled with bloodlust, turning their brown skin into shades of green.

They are considered as WoW the best race for a Mage in PvP because of their ‘Hardiness,’ which reduces stun effects by 20%. The split second you get to escape can be really useful when you are targeted and pinned down. ‘Blood Fury’ should also be mentioned, which gives you free 15s of damage.

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WoW Best Race For A Mage » Based on Your Gameplay

@ Blizzard

Lore Mages

Alliance: Night Elf

Night Elves are a powerful and mystical race, also known as Kaldorei. Their origins date back to ancient times, as one of the longest-lived cultures in existence. They used to be immortal beings who were among the first to study magic, almost ten thousand years before the First War. The Night Elves were the founders of an advanced and magical civilization that came into a horrific conflict with the Burning Legion. They were able to win, ending with the Great Sundering, which turned Kalimdor’s landmass into the continents we know today. Consorting with demons never goes the right way, and it didn’t for the Night Elves, which is where their lore takes a turn.

Horde: Nightborne

Nightborne are a living relic from the ancients. When the Sundering happened, they did not flee; instead, the leader of Suramar created an enormous barrier over the city, trying to isolate it from the rest of the world. Because of this, the Nightborne became isolated for 10.000 years. This isolation caused little divergence in practice from the ancient times of the Night Elf Empire. They became frozen in time, but their reliance on the Nightwell has altered them physically, turning them into their own elf species. After the Burning Legion’s third assault on Azeroth, the city’s barrier started failing. This was when the Nightborne decided to side with the demons in order to preserve themselves.

So, what is the WoW best race for a Mage? It all depends on the type of gameplay you enjoy the most. This list covers the three basics; players who enjoy PvE, PvP, and lore.

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