This LoL top laner has the lowest win rate of Patch 13.8

Wondering which LoL champion has the lowest win rate in Patch 13.8? Let’s break down the least successful champion in the meta.

This LoL top laner has the lowest win rate of Patch 13.8

Image Credits | Riot Games

This LoL champion is having the lowest win rate of the patch

While most players usually tend to look at which champions are performing the best in any given patch, sometimes it’s also worth observing those who are struggling the most to get victories. By doing so, you’ll always know which champions you shouldn’t even bother touching since the chances of success are going to be low, even if you’re highly proficient at the champion.

To get a better idea of how the champion is performing, we will be considering all the ranked matches across all Elos. By doing so, we can get a broad sample of matches which will help deal with outliers.

For Patch 13.8, the champion with the lowest win rate in LoL is K’Sante, who is sitting at 45.50%, according to U.GG. Behind K’Sante, we have Miss Fortune support and Ivern, sitting at 46.00% and 46.14% respectively.

Read also: The 10 best beginner champions in LoL

Why is K’Sante at the bottom of the list?

Despite being one of the latest releases in LoL, K’Sante is already one of the worst-performing champions in the game. If you’re wondering why he’s having such numbers, there are two main reasons: a low carry potential and the repeated nerfs.

Back at the start of season 13, K’Sante was all over the place in competitive play. To give you a better idea K’Sante is the second-best champion in terms of presence (pick or ban) in competitive play, only behind Jax (according to stats site

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He was not only a great front liner, but could also deal immense damage when activating his ultimate. This made him a great versatile pick that could fit any team comp. That, in turn, spiked his pick-and-ban rate, forcing Riot to nerf him throughout the next patches.

This LoL top laner has the lowest win rate of Patch 13.8

Image Credits | Riot Games

Even with the nerfs, however, pros continued playing him, so Riot had to nerf him into the ground. While he’s still occasionally played at the highest level, the casual and normal players on the solo queue ladder struggle to carry games with him.

He’s lost both the tankiness and the damage he used to have, making him an obsolete pick that doesn’t achieve much. Not to mention that K’Sante is quite hard to master, and requires great mechanical prowess that only a few selected people have.

Unless Riot buffs K’Sante’s tankiness or damage, he’s likely going to remain in a weak state in the upcoming months.

Read more: LoL Tier List - Best champions to climb SoloQ

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