There are tons of amazing fighting games available on Android, titles that push what a mobile device can do. Between all of the games available, there are new takes on the fighting genre, sports sim games, and some traditional arcade-style 2D fighters. If you’re choosing the best fighting games on Android, being on a mobile device shouldn’t be a deterrent to getting a great experience.
With so many apps available on the store, not to mention third-party games, there’s a lot of choice. Plenty of the best fighting games have representations of mobile devices. They’re not necessarily the top titles on Android though. To make the search a bit easier, we’ve broken down the best fighting games on Android.
Best Fighting Games on Android
5. EA Sports UFC Mobile 2
Source: EA
Looking through the top fighting games, there’s often a focus on the fantastical. What if you want a more grounded and realistic fighting game though? One of the best fighting games on Android does that. EA Sports UFC Mobile 2 is a UFC tie in game published on Android. It’s a pretty accurate port over of the sport, with all of those realistic flares you’d expect to see in an official game.
4. Final Fighter Fighting Game
Source: Capcom
Final Fighter is a little cartoony but still on the more realistic side compared to some of the anime fighting games you’ll see. It has a control scheme that is truly built around the on-screen controls with combos being easy to pull off without blocking your entire view. This is a great pick for one of the best fighting games for Android.
3. Dragon Ball Legends
Source: Bandai Namco
It’s difficult to assess the best fighting games on Android, or the best fighters on PS4, or Xbox, without mentioning Dragon Ball. The Anime franchise has tons of fighters, and this is the best one to jump into on mobile.
Dragon Ball Legends is a bit of a different fighter. It has you fighting as characters from DB, but battles are built around cards. It’s a fighting game experience adapted to work well on mobile, but still one of the top titles.
2. Garou Mark of the Wolves
Source: SNK
Garou Mark of the Wolves is a retro game revival here on Android. It’s probably the closest you can get to a 2D fighter on the platform. Garou Mark of the Wolves is a fighting game originally made by SNK for the Neo Geo. This version of the game is one of the best fighting games on Android though.
It’s not a perfect arcade recreation. However, if you’re playing on Android this is probably the closest that you’ll get! It’s a smooth recreation that scratches that retro fighter itch on the platform.
1. Brawlhalla
Brawlhalla is an easy pick for the very best of the best fighting games on Android. This is a game that makes the top tier of fighters on every platform, available on Android without being watered down at all! Here you’ll find the full-scale 50+ fighter game. It’s a platform fighter with tons of characters to explore, near-constant updates, and a lively update schedule. If there’s a single fighter to get into on Android, it’ll be this one.
While most competitive events don’t focus on the Android version of the game, Brawlhala fighting game esports are pretty lively too. The mobile version of the game can be a great way to get started with the title and try everything out.
Those are some picks for the best fighting games on Android! There are tons of great fighters here though, these are just the highlights across the different genres on the platform.