Quick Guide to Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Character Creator

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creator presents myriad of adjustable options, from height to body build and hairstyles to facial markings. The design possibilities are limited only by players’ imagination.

Freedom of expression has grown to be one of the most desirable aspects of gaming, and it is most suitably granted through character creation and customization tools.

Quick Guide to Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Character Creator

Credit: Dragon’s Dogma 2

Character Creator Suite in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Like most other role-playing games of its type, Dragon’s Dogma’s character creator features baseline options such as Race, Gender, Body type, Base Head, Vocation, and Voice. Furthermore,  a player can make more detailed tweaks to the characters’ body and face using the Detailed Customization option in the creation menu.

For example; let’s say you want to design a character’s nose, you have the option to adjust the width, Y and X-axis positions, bridge height, depth, and shape. Just think of the possibilities with the eyes, mouth, and hair. Body modification options are just as vast, allowing players to design their ideal Arisen and their trusty followers.

The sheer number of alterable minute details makes it easy for players to design characters both original or pre-existing. Using Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creator, some artistic individuals have already succeeded in recreating the likeness of characters like Captain Jack Sparrow, Kratos, Lae’zel, Leon Kennedy, Walter White, Geralt, and many more popular established characters.

Unfortunately, some other creatives have cursed the player base with their idealized monstrosities. Somewhere out there, walks an 8-foot-tall Pikachu that looks like it crawled out of a Men’s Fitness Magazine cover.

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Quick Guide to Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Character Creator

Credit: Dragon’s Dogma 2

Design Impact on Gameplay

While some games provide a wide variety of tools for personalized character design, few games like Dragon’s Dogma 2 give options with enough depth to affect the gameplay itself. As stated earlier, the Dragon’s Dogma 2 character creator boasts a great deal of adjustable options, including height, body type, and weight.

Weight is significant in that it affects a character’s movement, stamina, and encumbrance. The heavier a character the slower they move and the lower their stamina regeneration. On a positive note, heavy-weight characters can carry more equipment and are far less likely to suffer the Encumbered status due to heightened equip load capacity.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, lighter builds can move faster and can more easily climb the bodies of giant enemy monsters than their heavy counterparts. Light-built characters also consume more stamina but regenerate it faster than the heavy builds.

Weight also affects how resistant an Arisen or Pawn is to Knockback effects. Heavy builds can be physically stubborn in that regard, while Light builds can be easily blown back by enemies.

Height also influences how characters move around the world. Taller characters have longer strides, thereby moving a lot faster than their shorter companions. Smaller characters, on the other hand, have the potential to loot emptied goblin holes, provided they’re small enough.

Quick Guide to Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Character Creator

Credit: Dragon’s Dogma 2

These three specific attributes greatly influence gameplay, especially concerning Dragon’s Dogma’s 2 Classes.

With its meticulous catalogue of customization options, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Character Creation is matched only by the likes of Elden Ring, Nioh 2, and Starfield. Hopefully, this little bit of intel should aid in your design decision-making, so you play well and look even better.

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