Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Guide ➤ Strong Ganking Off Laner in Patch 7.14

Nyx Assassin is a very fun ganking off laner. His skills make him excellent at picking off heroes and destroying particularly intelligence heroes in team-fights.

You should keep the off lane pushed in during the mid game so that you can gank the enemy jungle but be wary of detection. Try to set up kills for you mid-laner if possible, and have allies be near enough to get an important kill if you find a vulnerable enemy hero.

Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Guide ➤ Strong Ganking Off Laner in Patch 7.14

@ Valve

Nyx Assassin Item Build

Starting Items

  • Stout Shield
  • Tango
  • Enchanted Mango
  • Enchanted Mango
  • Clarity

Early Game Items

  • Arcane Boots
  • Urn of Shadows
  • Magic Wand

Mid Game Items

  • Blink Dagger
  • Spirit Vessel
  • Force Staff
  • Dagon
  • Aether Lens
  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Drum of Endurance

Late Game Items

  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Necronomicon
  • Ethereal Blade

Situational Items

  • Hand of Midas
  • Orchid Malevolance
  • Linken’s Sphere
  • Lotus Orb
  • Solar Crest
  • Vladmir’s Offering
  1. Impale
  2. Spiked Carapace
  3. Impale
  4. Mana Burn
  5. Impale
  6. Vendetta
  7. Impale
  8. Spiked Carapace
  9. Mana Burn
  10. Talent
  11. Spiked Carapace
  12. Vendetta
  13. Spiked Carapace
  14. Mana Burn
  15. Talent
  16. Mana Burn
  17. Vendetta
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Impale summons spikes out of the ground in the target direction which deal damage and stun enemies. In most cases, this will be the first spell you learn, as it stuns enemies for longer than Spiked Carapace does at level one, and doesn’t rely on the opponent to actually have to hit you to get stunned. It can also be used to get kills by stunning enemies close to the tower if they dive to far.

Impale should be your main spell to clear creep waves in the mid game and to farm the jungle. The spell can’t be targeted onto enemy heroes. This means that there is a bit of skill involved in landing the Impales reliably. It should be maxed first as it increased the damage dealt and stun duration. Impale is not blocked by Linken’s Sphere, and hits invisible units. As such, it can be used to detect invisible heroes, by seeing if a big spike appears from the ground, indicating that it has hit a hero.

Mana Burn

Mana Burn depletes the targets mana based on how much intelligence they have, and also deals that number in damage. This tends to be maxed lastly because it deals more damage when the opponents have more intelligence which they get from items and leveling. The reduced cooldown is also only really relevant later, as Nyx tends to lack the mana to be able to spam it early. That said, it can be a good idea to max it over Spiked Carapace if there are heroes on the other team which it is very effective against. Mana Burn is very effective against Outworld Devourer, Silencer, Wraith King and other heroes with high intelligence.

Spiked Carapace

Spiked Carapace reflects the first instance of damage from each hero back onto them and stuns them. This is maxed second because the cooldown is reduced, allowing you to use it more frequently in fights and the stun duration is increased.

Spiked Carapace can be used to get a stun onto an enemy that is hard to catch, allowing your team to follow up. For example, you can toggle Carapace and walk into Puck’s Illusory Orb or Weaver’s Swarm. This can be a good way to catch them. Try to predict when an enemy will use a spell and use Carapace right before. Keep an eye out against global spells, as you can easily reflect this. Note that you will still get stunned by stuns, so you still need to be careful.

Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Guide ➤ Strong Ganking Off Laner in Patch 7.14

@ Valve


Your ultimate turns you invisible and makes you move faster, as well as making your next attack deal significant bonus damage. You should look for a kill somewhere on the map as soon as you hit level 6. Just make sure that you have enough mana to cast all of your spells. Vendetta can be used while teleporting from base which should be done to save mana. You can use Spiked Carapace while in Vendetta which is helpful if the enemy has detection. Lastly, sometimes it can be hard to close the gap against a hero with vendetta and in this cases you should use Impale. This should be done especially if you have an ally that can help you get the kill, as the Impale is more-or-less guaranteed and the damage from Vendetta may not be necessary.

Many players try to stay as hidden as possible with Nyx Assassin to leave the opponents always wondering where you might be. However, it’s more effective to push out a lane that needs to be pushed out. This will force their players to deal with these creeps, and give you more control of the map in Dota 2 esports. This, in turn, may present more kill opportunities. This is especially true for the offlane, as you can roam through their jungle after pushing out and farming the lane. Push the lane as hard as you can by using impale on the creeps.


This spell is unlocked after purchasing an Aghanim’s Scepter. Burrow makes you invisible and immobile, while also giving you increased health and mana regeneration and extended reach on your spells. It also makes Spiked Carapace affect all enemies near you and reduces the cooldown of Impale. Burrow is an excellent spell to defend high-ground with and as such, Aghanim’s Scepter should be considered particularly against pushing line-ups.

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Burrow can be hard to use effectively in team-fights, as the enemies can simply avoid your Burrow placement, as it takes a second to cast. However, Vendetta can be used from Burrow to instantly allow you to move around. Burrow also greatly improves Nyx Assassin’s ability to roam, as he can use it whenever he needs to regenerate health or mana.

Best Nyx Assassin Talents

Level 10: +60 Gold/Min or +6% Spell Amplification

The spell amplification is favorable if you can make good use from your spells, particularly mana burn against high intelligence heroes. Otherwise, the extra GPM will help you to scale into the late game more easily and get more items.

Level 15: +35 Movement Speed or +325 Health

The movement speed will help you to position yourself for your spells and escape or chase enemies with Vendetta more easily. On the other hand, the extra health will tank you up which can be good if you are taking a lot of damage in team-fights.

Level 20: +175 Impale Damage or 75% Spiked Carapace Damage

The extra Impale damage can be very good if you have an Aghanim’s Scepter or an Ethereal Blade. It can also be good if you just need more nuke damage to finish off heroes when ganking them. The Spiked Carapace can be very strong against nuking and/or projectile spells that are quite easy to reflect. It can also be quite good against carries with strong right-clicks that can crit such as Sven or Phantom Assassin, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to them.

Level 25: Vendetta Unobstructed Pathing + 100 Agility

The extra agility can be good if you have an Ethereal Blade as it will massively increase the damage it deals. It will also effectively add another 100 damage to your Vendetta strikes. It will also allow you to push out creep-waves much faster and you may be able to right-click heroes a bit while they are Impaled after you finish nuking them down. The Unobstructed Pathing will allow you to escape and chase down enemies much more easily. It will also give you more map control as you can walk over cliffs with a Gem for example and deward any wards you find.

What Items to build on Nyx Assassin

Starting Items

  • Stout Shield
  • Tango
  • Enchanted Mango
  • Enchanted Mango
  • Clarity

There is some flexibility in what you can get for an offlane Nyx Assassin. Tangos are usually enough regeneration to get, as Nyx has very high passive health regen. A common and strong starting build is to get a Stout shield and 2 Mangos and a set of Tangos.

The Enchanted Mangos add to your already high health regen, passively giving you almost the same amount of regeneration as another hero would have eating a Tango. The Mangos also give you more freedom to use your spells a bit more in lane without the issue of running out of mana to save yourself.  A clarity can also be helpful in lane to achieve this, and you may find that you can go without the Mangos by ferrying yourself a clarity when you need one.

Early Game Items

Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots should always be the boots of choice on Nyx Assassin to solve his mana issues. These will allow you cast your full spell combo, to spam your spells more and to push lanes faster with Impale.

Urn of Shadows

Picking up an Urn can be effective on Nyx Assassin due to the ganking nature of the hero and as it provides all-around helpful stats for the hero. Urn can be skipped if an ally picks one up or if your team is unlikely to get many kills. The Infused Raindrop should be purchased earlier if you’re going up against a lineup with many nuke spells.

Magic Wand

Magic Wand is a good item on Nyx as the mana and health burst regen can often help you get a kill that you otherwise wouldn’t have mana for, given his low mana-pool.

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Mid Game Items

Blink Dagger

Blink Dagger is considered a core item on Nyx as it allows him to get much easier Impales off and often allowing him to get multiple hero stuns as well. Damage reflected from Spiked Carapace doesn’t put Blink Dagger on cooldown which means you can escape tricky situations much more easily.

Spirit Vessel

A Spirit Vessel is a natural upgrade to an Urn of Shadows if you’re the one on your team who got one. It provides more movement speed which helps you to position Impale, and the extra health will tank you up a bit more.

Force Staff

Force Staff can be used to get you out of a risky team-fight initiation as well as improving Nyx’s all-around mobility. It can be used while in Burrow to better position yourself. The added intelligence helps with Nyx’s low mana-pool as well.

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Dagon is what most players buy on Nyx. It greatly increases his solo-kill potential and is a great choice against squishy lineups. However, Dagon doesn’t provide much utility to Nyx or his team, and usually the gold can be spent on items which give him more of an impact in team-fights.

Aether Lens

Aether Lens provides Nyx with some great answers to his mana-issues and also increases the cast range of most of his spells. This can help Nyx to land some great Impales from a safer distance and allow him to catch heroes he otherwise wouldn’t. You can even disassemble Arcane Boots to build Aether Lens and later buy Boots of Travel.

Eul’s Scepter of Divinity

Eul’s provides mana and mana regeneration as well as a helpful defensive active for Nyx. The purge effect can be very effect against certain lineups, although you should weigh it against a Lotus Orb. Eul’s should be considered if you need more disables on your team.

Aghanim’s Scepter

Aghanim’s Scepter is a great item which provides Nyx with many helpful stats and provides a strong new spell – Burrow. Scepter should be considered if you’re going against a pushing lineup as you can more or less cast defensive spells indefinitely, given the bonus regen.

Drum of Endurance

Drum provides you with lots of helpful stats and increased movement speed which is helpful when chasing or retreating from enemies. Consider this if there are lots of early game skirmishes.

Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Guide ➤ Strong Ganking Off Laner in Patch 7.14

@ Wallup.net

Late Game Items

Scythe of Vyse

A Hex is a great late game item as the active is very effective against carries and provides very helpful stats to your mana. Effectively, you’re much less likely to run out of mana with a Scythe of Vyse. Strong pick that some of the best Dota 2 players recommend as well.


Necronomicon can be a good item against invisible heroes and if you need some extra physical damage in fights or pick-offs. The item also allows Nyx to split-push much faster.

Ethereal Blade

Ethereal Blade is a great item on Nyx as it can be used to provide Nyx some survivability as well as to increase his damage from Impale and Mana Burn. The agility from Ethereal Blade means it deals even more damage as it matches his primary attribute, which makes it even more effective. The slow also makes it much easier to land Impale against enemies.

Situational Items

Hand of Midas

Hand of Midas can be effective if you haven’t died in your lane and if you are able to get some farm either through kills or creeps. It can be a good choice if you think the game will last until the late game.

Orchid Malevolance

Orchid can be a good item against heroes such as Storm Spirit, Juggernaut and Anti-mage. It also gives you the ability to silence enemies before you nuke them so that they can’t react with any spells. The extra damage nuke can also greatly help you to get kills in the mid game. The mana regeneration it provides can allow you to roam much more effectively.

Linken’s Sphere

Linken’s Sphere can be a good item against strong single-target spells that can’t be blocked by Spiked Carapace, such as hexes or silences. Can also be effective to use it on allies, as it provides good stats and regen.

Lotus Orb

Lotus Orb can be a better choice over Linken’s Sphere as it can block several single-target spells. It goes well with Spiked Carapace, as you will effectively be able to reflect all spells against you for 8.25 seconds. Consider what spells the enemy lineup has which you can purge and also reflect.

Solar Crest

Solar Crest can help you to get some kills in the mid game with the armor debuff. The evasion can help you survive against physical damage dealers until they buy an MKB as well. It provides you with some mana regeneration, although overall it’s a very situational item.

Vladmir’s Offering

Vladmir’s Offering can be a helpful item for your team if you are dominating early game and want items that will further your teams lead. It provides some decent all-around stats for Nyx and a helpful aura for your team, although you don’t benefit much from either the lifesteal or the increased damage.

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Interesting Nyx Assassin Match-ups

Juggernaut and Lifestealer

These heroes have abilities that negate Spiked Carapace’s ability to stun attackers. You should be extra careful when laning against these carries.


Nyx is considered a strong counter to Tinker as his all of his skills are very effective against him. Spiked Carapace can be used to walk into March to interrupt him, and Mana Burn can tear through his mana and HP. Nyx can also gank tinker in the jungle quite easily.

Damage over time heroes

Heroes like Jakiro and Viper make Spiked Carapace much less effective as it can only reflect one instance of damage. However, this also makes it easier to stun them.

Intelligence heroes

Nyx Assassin can shred through most intelligence heroes with his Mana Burn, and kill the squishy ones with his skill-set.


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