With the LoL 2025 season starting in early January, here are all the map and terrain changes coming to Summoner’s Rift.
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LoL Season 14 Map – major changes coming to the game
Aside from the major item rework and the new Void map, there are going to be changes to the classic terrain on the Rift. These adjustments are currently going through testing on the PBE.
Riot’s goal is to allow players to learn new gank routes as well as new ways to reinvent and add more strategy to the game. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the map changes coming to each lane in LoL.
Top lane changes
The main change in the top lane will be the addition of a brush and a small wall at the entrance of the river Additionally, the terrain on both sides should be more similar compared to the previous seasons, with the wall closing one of the entrances to the lane.
Image Credit: Riot Games
This should make the top lane matchups more challenging and more lane-focused. This is because now both teams’ junglers will have the same gank path and must go through the wall.
That said, it will be harder for the red side player to ward the tribush since he will no longer be able to walk straight and get that vision down. All in all, it’s a fair trade-off.
Jungle changes
Junglers are probably going to be the most affected players by the terrain changes, given that it completely warps the pathing and gank routes of every single champion.
On top of the lane adjustments, the entrances to Baron Nashor and dragons have been altered. The will be a big wall in the river which splits the two entrances to the river. The brush that was typically seen close to the mid lane is removed and it has been added towards the bottom side of the river.
Image Credit: Riot Games
It will definitely be a tough learning process for jungle players as they will have to reinvent themselves. As a jungler myself, however, I’m excited to see how it will play out in the new season.
Mid-lane changes
The mid lane has the walls close to the turret being shortened, making them more susceptible to ganks and dives. On the other hand, though, the river bushes have been removed, allowing players to better predict when an enemy is approaching toward the lane.
Image Credit: Riot Games
In other words, it will be easier to perform dives and ganks given the smaller wall but the ganked player will have an easier time tracking the movements and try to make the outplay happen.
Bot lane changes
The bot lane is getting a similar change to the top lane, with the implementation of the brush in the middle of the river. And with the goal of making the map more symmetrical, a tribush area has been added to the red side of the map, similar to the one on the blue side. Once again, ganks might be easier to execute, leading to a more bloody and skirmish-heavy game.
Image Credit: Riot Games
Overall, I’m expecting to see players looking to focus more on coordinating and making team movements on the map. Putting down vision will be crucial, even more so than before. Aggressivity should be rewarded, however, making those are stronger at roaming have more chances of finding leads and advantages.