LoL Patch 13.19 – Are you ready for Worlds?

Now that Patch 13.18 is on the live servers, it’s time to set our eyes on Worlds and its official LoL patch 13.19. This is our breakdown.

LoL Patch 13.19 - Are you ready for Worlds?

Image Credits | Riot Games/LoL Esports

LoL Patch 13.19 – The official Worlds Patch

Patch 13.18 wasn’t that big of a patch but the new LoL champion Briar has been released. The patch mainly focused on nerfing down some of the strongest outliers in the game like Jarvan IV and Tryndamere. Both champions had above-average win rates across all ranks, especially the jungler who also had an indirect buff with the new Spear of Shojin.

Speaking of items, the devs introduced changes to the Statikk Shiv and Crown of the Shattered Queen which had defined the pro play meta in the past few months. Xayah and Rell also received pro-play-focused nerfs, hoping to reduce their overall power and priority in the meta.

Worlds is around the corner so we should expect more pro-play-oriented adjustments, as the best teams will clash starting from October 9 with the Worlds Qualifying Series. Patch 13.19 will be crucial since it will be the patch teams play on, so we might get a lot of small changes to balance things out.

Riot Phroxzon published on September 19 the planned changes for the upcoming Patch 13.19, explaining some of the notable changes:

  • Azir – nerfing his power considering its popularity over the past few months
  • Galio is in a weak state and countered hard by some mid-range mages in the meta. and is countered particularly hard by some of the mid-range mages in the meta.
  • Gangplank – generally satisfied and no longer ceilinged by Pro, but buffing him because he’s a bit weak
  • Jhin – Riot wants to give him more carry potential later in the game.
  • Lee Sin – they over nerfed him quite a bit from his previous changes in 13.7 so they’re pumping him up again.
  • Pyke – they want to buff him in ways that don’t increase his frustration significantly
  • Syndra – small buff for her
  • Renekton – the strongest top laner for a few patches and the Gore buffs pushed him over so they’re nerfing him down.
  • Rek’Sai – similar to Renekton. Stridebreaker changes were buffs for her so tuning down her power.
  • Zeri – a small nerf as she’s been climbing up as one of the higher presence champions.
  • Randuin’s Omen – Receiving a pretty significant buff, it is a pretty under-purchased item overall. They want it to be a good answer to double crit carry comps.
  • Seekers – also slightly under-tuned, will be receiving a small buff.
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You can find the tentative numbers below in the following sections, leaked by game designer Spideraxe.

Read more: LoL Worlds 2025 play-in stage - initial thoughs and impressions

How will the upcoming patch impact the meta?

Now that we have gotten the numbers, it’s fairly easy to say that we will see some important picks come back to the meta. The first one is Lee Sin, who we will definitely see players play, especially from eastern teams. The same thing can be said about Gangplank and Syndra: even though the buffs are not that huge, there are going to be teams willing to test them out and see how viable they are.

Azir, despite the nerf, should still remain a relevant pick, and the same should go for Renekton and Zeri, who only got minor changes. The magic resistance loss can be impactful in specific matchups, but Renekton will still have lots of value as a mid-game skirmisher.

Rek’Sai’s nerfs are more toward soloQ and the changes will definitely hurt her, after being top-tier for a few months now: she is the only one getting tuned down heavily this patch.

Patch 13.19 Tentative Changes

Champion Changes


  • Q cooldown: 12 – 6 seconds ⇒ 14 – 6 seconds


  • R recast now removes her W buff, this is to fix the R recast spam bug

Galio – Buff

  • R cooldown: 200 – 160 seconds ⇒ 180 – 140 seconds

Gangplank – Buff

  • R cooldown: 180 – 140 seconds ⇒ 170 – 130 seconds
  • Death Daughter’s slow: 60% for 1 second ⇒ 75% for 1 second
  • Raise Morale MS: 30% for 2 seconds ⇒ 40% for 2 seconds
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Jhin – Buff

  • R damage: 50/125/200 + 25% total AD ⇒ 64/153/244 + 25% total AD

Lee Sin – Buff

  • Base armor: 34 ⇒ 36
  • W lifesteal and vamp: 5% – 27% ⇒ 10% – 26%

Lissandra – Buff

  • W root duration: 1.1 – 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.25 – 1.65 seconds

Nunu – Buff

  • E AP ratio per hit: 10% ⇒ 15% (total ratio: 90% ⇒ 135%)

Pyke – Buff

  • Health growth: 104 ⇒ 110
  • W cooldown: 12 – 10 seconds ⇒ 12 – 8 seconds

Rek’Sai – Nerf

  • Passive heal: 15 – 125 + 2 – 12% max HP ⇒ 10 + 2 – 10% max HP
  • Q damage: 34 – 50% total AD ⇒ 30 – 50% total AD
  • Burrowed movement speed: 350/355/360/365 (level 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 340/345/350 (1/6/11)
  • Unborrwed damage: 50 – 110 + 80% bonus AD ⇒ 50 – 190 + 80% bonus AD

Renekton – Nerf

Syndra – Buff

  • Q base damage: 70 – 210 ⇒ 75 – 215

Twitch – Buff

  • R missile speed: 4000 ⇒ 5000

Zeri – Nerf

  • Base move speed: 335 ⇒ 330

Ziggs – pulled from patch

System changes

Seeker’s Armguard – Buff

  • Armor: 15 ⇒ 20 (max armor: 30 ⇒ 35)

Randuin’s Omen – Buff

Upcoming skins

La Ilusion Draven – 1350 RP

La Ilusion Gnar – 1350 RP

La Ilusion Nidalee – 1350 RP

La Ilusion Qiyana – 1350 RP

La Ilusion Renata – 1350 RP

La Ilusion Prestige Renata – 100 ME

La Ilusion Ziggs – 1350 RP

Read more: All teams qualified for Worlds 2025

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