GBFVR Pan Weapon Banned from Tournaments

Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising has a few fun features designed to let players get creative. One of the most fun so far has been the custom weapon skins players can use. You’re not limited to your character’s default arms, instead you can change up the weapon’s appearance and sound. In an upcoming tournament though, this is causing problems that has seen the GBFVR pan weapon banned from use!

The Pan weapon in the game is a particularly fun weapon skin. It replaces your weapon with a pan, a normal kitchen pan. It’s a fairly common gag item we’ve seen in games like PUBG in the past. Using it in Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising is causing problems though, and that’s seen the weapon skin banned from the next Combo Breaker event. Until newer GBFVR patch notes change it, a weapon skin might be one of the most broken parts of the game. Why is a pan breaking the meta of this fighting game?

GBFVR Pan Weapon Banned from Tournaments

Source: Cygames

GBFVR Pan Weapon Banned in Tournaments

This week we’ve some fighting game esports organizers take unusual steps, banning a kitchen pan weapon skin. Why is this weapon unfair in competitive play? In fighting games, players are often looking for any advantage they can grab and the frying pan weapon skin actually has quite a big one. The pan makes noise.

When you hit an opponent successfully, the GBFVR pan weapon makes a noise which it won’t for a block. This gives a very clear hit indicator. In fighters, this means players are receiving instant feedback on the success of their move. Compared to players using normal weapon skins, it gives a clear advantage. Since the noise doesn’t play for a block it makes this part of gameplay considerably easier to follow.

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This essentially gives users of the kitchen pan an inherent advantage in tournaments! Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising tournaments are filling up the calendar right now. it won’t be too surprising if we see even more events take steps to ban the weapon skin from being used competitively.


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