Demon Hunter WoW Guide ➤ Ultimate Havoc & Vengeance Guide

Demon Hunter is the second hero class introduced in World of Warcraft. Players could first get their hands on it at the launch of Legion and many immediately fell in love with it. It was fast, smooth and dealt tons of damage. But the most unique aspect of it was probably the double jump feature, something we’d never seen before in World of Warcraft.

Up to this day, Demon Hunter remains as one of the most popular classes in World of Warcraft. They are easy to pick up, but hard to master – especially certain Havoc builds relying on weaving your mobility skills into your core rotation. That is why we’ve prepared this Demon Hunter WoW guide to help you get started.

Complete Demon Hunter WoW Guide

We’ll first give you some basics about the class and then delve deeper into the advanced tips & tricks. This will hopefully give you a better picture of what the class does and where it excels.

Demon Hunter WoW Guide ➤ Ultimate Havoc & Vengeance Guide

@ Icy Veins

Demon Hunters wear leather armor, which makes them somewhat squishy when compared to other plate users in World of Warcraft. However, their mobility is unparalleled, allowing them to dodge and kite like no other class. On top of their immensely mobile toolkit, the class comes with a hefty amount of baseline leech stat, giving them surprisingly strong sustain when coupled with Eye Beam and Blade Dance bursts.

The class uses two distinct specializations:

Havoc is the DPS specialization, dealing incredible burst damage and having some of the best mobility in the game. Vengeance, on the other hand, is a tank specialization that keeps some of that mobility but also comes with great defense and sustain. The two specs work great in both PvE and PvP. In fact, Demon Hunter is probably one of the best solo shuffle PvP classes that makes grinding WoW ranks a breeze.

How to become a Demon Hunter in WoW

So how do you make a Demon Hunter in WoW? It’s simple, really. In order to create a Demon Hunter, you’ll first have to level one character to level 10. This step is incredibly easy and will take you 30 minutes tops. Just pick one of the starting zones and do the initial few quests. That alone will get you to 10 pretty quickly.

Alternatively, you can pick the new Exile’s Reach starting zone and run that until the very end. You get to do some interesting quests and experience a short little side story. Upon completion, you’ll be guaranteed to hit level 10 and be ported to your main capital city. Once that’s done, you may now create your new Demon Hunter.

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Note: While you may create as many Demon Hunters as you wish, there are still some restrictions you have to keep in mind. Only two World of Warcraft races can be Demon Hunters – Night Elves for Alliance and Blood Elves for Horde. Blizzard did this for lore-related reasons, but there’s always a chance they might undo this restriction in the future.

WoW Demon Hunter Talents & Builds

In this part of our Demon Hunter WoW guide, we’ll talk a bit more about WoW Demon Hunter talents and the best builds for both specializations.

Havoc Demon Hunter

Havoc is one of the most fun DPS specializations in the game. Many of the top World of Warcraft streamers main this class. It gets some bad rep for being too easy, but we’re here to dispel that myth and show you how complex Havoc can be.

You can play Havoc casually and enjoy the insane mobility and AoE burst the class comes with, but to truly master it you’ll have to learn how to use your vast mobility and strong, short cooldowns to boost your single target damage. This is what will separate okay-ish Demon Hunters from great ones. You might struggle at first and find yourself using Fel Rush into a massive boss mechanic and dying. Don’t worry, it’s all natural and we’ve all been there. But once you go through that learning process and playing Havoc becomes a constant flow state, you’ll start to truly appreciate it.


The core Demon Hunter rotation is pretty straight-forward, which is no WoW news to anyone. You build Fury with your builder abilities such as Demon Blades and Felblade, and then spend that accumulated Fury on your big spenders such as Chaos Strike, Blade Dance and Eye Beam. The majority of your skills cleave multiple mobs, which means you’ll hit all the nearby monsters just by performing your single-target rotation.

These are the best Havoc WoW Demon Hunter talents in WoW Dragonflight for Raids and Mythic+ :


Demon Hunter WoW Guide ➤ Ultimate Havoc & Vengeance Guide

@ Lavonicus (YouTube)

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Vengeance is a unique tank that is usually considered middle-of-the-pack in each World of Warcraft expansion. This does not mean they’re bad at all, it’s just that some of the other tanks tend to pull ahead in raids. On the other hand, they’re one of the best tanks for Mythic+ and general solo play.

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Their massive sustain and respectable damage make them appealing to any group out there. Vengeance heals based on the damage it takes. This translates into big Mythic+ pulls where the mobs get cleaved down pretty quickly, thus speeding up the entire dungeon run. With that being said, Demon Hunter tanks have completed all the best WoW raids with no issues whatsoever, it’s just that they tend not to be the meta spec everyone plays and it affects the general player perception of the class.


Similar to Havoc, Vengeance also uses Fury but it’s not the main resource the spec revolves around. Instead, Havoc builds and spends Soul Fragments in order to fuel their damage and defensive capabilities. This is where their incredible sustain comes from.

Your main spammable ability will be Fracture, generating tons of Soul Fragments for you to spend on Spirit Bomb. You’ll also maintain your Immolation Aura and jump into monster packs with Infernal Strike, only to completely obliterate them with massive Fel Devastation hits. It’s an engaging rotation and will definitely keep you busy in fights.

These are the best Vengeance WoW Demon Hunter talents in WoW Dragonflight for Raids and Mythic+ :


Should you play Demon Hunter in WoW?

We believe that everyone should at least try Demon Hunter and level it to level 70. They are tons of fun and can serve as a great alt character, in case you’re not planning on maining one. Not to mention the fact they’re a great class to run old raids and dungeons for transmog and mounts. The speed is the main factor here.

We hope our Demon Hunter WoW guide was of some help to you. If you end up liking the class and decide to make it your main, know that it will serve you well. Demon Hunters are always strong in every scenario and lots of groups want them, especially in Mythic+ setting.

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This used to be the old rule for Demon Hunters. Before Blizzard lifted this restriction in WoW Shadowlands, you could only create one Demon Hunter per realm. Nowadays, you can create as many as you like.


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