Best Teemo counters in LoL

If you feel like you’re powerless when playing against Mordekaiser, here are some of the best counters you need to know to take him down.

Best Teemo counters in LoL

Image Credits | Riot Games

5 Best Teemo Counters

Teemo is probably one of the most hated champions in the entire League of Legends universe. He can both abuse champions during the laning phase and later in the game when putting mushrooms that deal AoE all over the map. On top of that, many melee top laners struggle against him since he’s able to blind them with the Q and become invisible inside the bushes.

In this guide, we will go over the strongest champions to play against Teemo this season, briefly explaining why these matchups are in their favor and how you should play the matchup. These are the five best Teemo counters in LoL.

Rengar – Hunting Yordles

  • Even though Rengar is a melee champion, he can easily leap on him to deal damage. On top of that, Rengar can cleanse Teemo’s blind as well as the slow from his mushrooms, while also healing a part of the damage taken.
  • Play aggressively at level one just like other matchups, and build an HP lead early on.
  • Try to bait his blind, cleanse it with W and then use a double Q to chunk his health bar.
  • Get some early magic resistance to lower Teemo’s damage.
  • Always change to a red trinket once Teemo gets to level six to clear his shrooms inside the bushes.
  • Hexdrinker is a good item component if Teemo is dealing too much damage.
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Malphite – Want to kill me? Try!

  • Malphite is a safe pick against Teemo since he shouldn’t be able to die during the entire laning phase.
  • Malphite’s shield will prevent him from getting harassed by Teemo.
  • He can also use the Q to poke the enemy and once’s how low enough, go for an all-in combo from level six onwards.
  • The longer the game goes, the tankier Malphite will become, and the harder it will be for Teemo to kill him.
  • If you happen to get caught trading with Teemo, try to cast E before running away so you reduce his attack speed.
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Yasuo – The wind is always by my side

  • Yasuo can windwall Teemo’s Q and his attacks during the trades.
  • Given that Yasuo’s Q is an ability, Teemo cannot dodge the damage.
  • Always stack your passive during the laning phase, and use it to tank a part of the damage during the trades.
  • Get some magic resistances early on. Teemo will still deal a lot of damage to you even if you’re able to successfully block auto attacks with the windwall.
  • Yasuo is quite susceptible to ganks. Make sure to have good vision when pushing and be careful to not walk into Teemo’s mushrooms.
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Olaf – it’s all about early-game trades

  • Olaf wins the matchup against Teemo thanks to his skirmishing potential. Even if Teemo blinds Olaf, he has enough shields and lifesteal to survive.
  • Olaf has trade potential once he gets access to all his three basic abilities. Don’t trade too much early on since you need to be healthy.
  • Let Teemo push the wave and engage him when you’re able to land Undertow (Q).
  • Run Ghost in this matchup to increase your chasing ability.
  • At level six, Teemo won’t be able to use his blind since Olaf cleanses all crowd control. That said, be careful with the timing of the ultimate since Olaf loses a lot of resistances when using Ragnarok, making him easier to kill.

Akali – It’s time for assassination

  • Even though melee champions typically struggle against Teemo, Akali has great all-in potential and kill pressure at level six.
  • As long as Akali doesn’t step into multiple mushrooms, she will have enough damage to kill him with a combo.
  • Don’t let Teemo auto attack you for free during the laning phase. Wait for level six and poke occasionally with E if needed. Sacrifice minion farm for more experience.
  • If Teemo casts your Q, hide yourself in the shroud and wait for the blind effect to end. By doing so, you prevent Teemo from freely harassing you.
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