Best Pyke counters in LoL

Check out which are the best Pyke counters for this LoL season: learn how you should be playing them to increase your win rate.

Best Pyke counters in LoL

Image Credit: Riot Games

Pyke counters in LoL – the top three picks

Pyke is one of the most slippery support champions in the game. His introduction to League of Legends was special as he was the first assassin champion to be brought as a support champion. Needless to say, the champion was initially busted, forcing the devs to nerf him several times. While he’s in a balanced state now, he can be oppressive in the right hands. To that end, we have listed the best Pyke counters in the current iteration of the game.

If you’re fairly new to the game, check out our guide on how counter picks work in League of Legends. You will understand why counter picks are important, and how you need to take advantage of them to increase your win rate. Make sure to also understand how classes counter one another in LoL so you always know what to pick in each game.

Rell – the meta counter

Rell got nerfed in the jungle but she still holds strong in the support role. Her crowd controls are perfect to neutralize a mobile champion like Pyke, and given her tankiness, the enemy champion doesn’t have much kill threat. Based on the current meta, this is one of the best picks you could go for.

Rakan – the lane counter

If you’re not too proficient on Rell, you can also consider Rakan. Compared to the former, he counts on more mobility to match Pyke. You should always look to trade defensively and wait for the enemy to commit: once his abilities are on cooldown, that’s the right time to strike.

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Best Pyke counters in LoL

Image Credit: Riot Games

Janna – disengage tool

While Janna can be vulnerable to Pyke’s aggression given her squishiness, she has several tools to peel her ally and herself from the enemy. Make sure to cast the tornado before a skirmish unfolds and do your best to dodge the hooks. If you manage to do these two things, you should have an easy time winning the trades and potentially snowball the game.

Worst Pyke counters

Ashe – the worst matchup

As an immobile marksman, Ashe struggles against someone like Pyke. Once caught, she has no way of getting away from his combo (unless flash is ready). When possible, avoid picking this champion into Pyke.

Senna – a bad choice

Similar to Ashe, Senna struggles against Pyke for the same exact reasons. All Pyke needs to do is hit a few hooks and drop Senna low enough to fully commit for a kill. And once Pyke gets a few items, her vulnerability will be even bigger.

How do you counter Pyke with the items?

When going up against Pyke, it’s recommended to stack a mix of armor and health. Below is a list of items to build you should consider, based on the class of champion you’re playing:

  • Bruisers: Death Dance, Warden’s Mail
  • AD assassins: Guardian’s Angel
  • ADC champions: Guardian’s Angel
  • AP champions: Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Tanks: Warden’s Mail, Dead Man’s Plate, Frozen Heart

What Champion counters Pyke?

The three best counters are Rell, Rakan, Janna. Other strong counters are Taric, Maokai, and Zac.

Does Thresh counter Pyke?

The Thresh-Pyke matchup is mainly skill-based and it also heavily depends on what kind of partners the two champions will have in the bottom lane. On one hand, Pyke can mess around with Thresh thanks to his mobility. On the other, Thresh has enough tools to shut down Pyke with his Flay and hook. There is no clear winner even though Pyke should have a little advantage early on given his damage output.

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