Best Nocturne counters in LoL

If you’re struggling against Nocturne in LoL, here are the five best counters you can play to secure the victory.

Best Nocturne counters in LoL

Image Credit: Riot Games

Nocturne Counters in LoL – The top three picks

After the itemization changes of the new season, Nocturne is one of the most popular champions in the jungle. Thanks to his healthy jungle clearing and incredible map presence, he can easily gank lanes and punish enemies that are out of position.

If you want to beat Nocturne, you must know which are the strongest champions against him: these are the best Nocturne counters in LoL.

If you’re new to the game, take a moment to familiarize yourself with how counter picks work in League of Legends. Understanding the importance of counter-matchups can significantly improve your chances of success on the Rift.

Bel’Veth – the ultimate counter

Bel’Veth is traditionally a counter to many junglers in LoL, and Nocturne is also among them. Not only can she negate most of Nocturne’s burst damage with her E, but she also beats him when it comes to extended skirmishes. The only moment where Nocturne can win against Bel’Veth is early on, but it’s not that common to see these two fight before hitting level six.

Evelynn – the AP counter

Even though Nocturne and Evelynn can be considered a skill matchup, the AP champion is still favored. She can easily blow Nocturne’s spell shield with her Q, and if these two fight face-to-face, Evelynn will have more burst damage to kill him.

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Best Nocturne counters in LoL

Image Credit: Riot Games

Not to mention that Evelynn will be invisible most of the time so it will be hard to track her movements on the map and if Nocturne ganks a lane, you will never know if she’s waiting somewhere to hunt you down.

Ekko – catch me if you can

Ekko is not that popular of a jungler right now but his mobility and hit-and-run playstyle is great at countering someone like Nocturne. In any skirmish, Ekko will always be able to get away thanks to his ultimate, and the passive gives him extra movement speed to break away from Nocturne’s E.

Worst Nocturne Counters

Rek’Sai – losing all 1v1s

Rek’Sai is not in a great spot but she does horribly against Nocturne. As long as the Nocturne player can time the spell shield well, he will never lose a skirmish. Not to mention that Nocturne can easily counter gank the lanes Rek’Sai is planning to gank by pressing the ultimate.

Diana – Catch her if you can

The only way for Diana to win this matchup is by power farming and building a big enough gold and experience lead with it. She’s weaker than Nocturne early on and he can also negate one of Diana’s key abilities with his W. Just bear in mind to not engage in any trades with him or you will lose every single time.

Counter Nocturne with Smart Itemization

Effective counters to Urgot extend beyond champion selection to include strategic itemization. Consider building items that mitigate Urgot’s damage output and enhance your survivability in the laning phase and team fights. Here are some item suggestions tailored to different champion classes:

  • Bruisers/AD Champions: Ninja Tabi, Guardian’s Angel
  • AP Champions: Seeker’s Armguard, Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Tanks: Randuin’s Omen, Frozen Heart
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Which Champions counter Nocturne?

Fiora, Darius, and Garen stand out as the top contenders to counter Urgot’s dominance in the top lane. While champions like Teemo and Yorick may offer some resistance, they lack the sustained damage and dueling potential to deal with Urgot’s relentless aggression.

Does Nocturne Counter Viego?

While Viego may have the advantage in the later stages of the game, Nocturne should prevail over Viego in the first 10 minutes of the game. As long as the Nocturne is able to block Viego’s W, he can win the fight. But the main goal is to take advantage of Nocturne’s gank potential to snowball the game for himself and his team.


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