Best Gwen counters in LoL

If you have no clue how to play against Gwen in LoL, here is the list of the best counters you should play to beat her.

Best Gwen counters in LoL

Image Credit: Riot Games

Gwen counters in LoL – the three best choices

Gwen is probably one of the best carry top laners out there. Not only does she have great split-pushing potential but she also has true damage with her Q. To win against her, getting the right pick is key: let’s go over the three best Gwen counters for the season.

If you’re fairly new to the game, check out our guide on how counter picks work in League of Legends. It will help you understand why counter picks are important, and how you need to take advantage of them to increase your win rate. Try to also understand how classes counter one another in LoL to further increase your chances of success.

Jax – Gwen but AD version

When it comes to split pushing, there are only a few champions that can go head-to-head with Gwen. One of them is Jax, who also happens to be one of the strongest LoL counters into Gwen. He can dodge most of her auto attacks and will win most of the trades. For Gwen, this is one of the worst matchups possible, to the point that Jax is often used in pro play as an answer.

If you play Gwen, make sure that Jax is banned or that the enemy player is not in a position to play it.

Kayle – the outscaling game

Counters in League of Legends don’t always have to be related to the laning phase. Kayle is a perfect example of this: she doesn’t win against Gwen early on, but she will outscale her the longer the game goes. Considering that Gwen doesn’t have many tools to punish Kayle, the latter will get a much easier early game, increasing the chances of her hitting the right power spikes.

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Kayle will be able to match Gwen in the side lanes while also bringing more utility and peeling ability in the teamfights. If you are able to be patient enough, Kayle will win most of these matchups.

Fiora – bringing duels to the next level

While this is more of a skill matchup, a great Fiora player will absolutely stomp Gwen. This is because the duelist prevails in short trades and if things get rough, she can always parry Gwen’s Q. Timing is key, however, and a great understanding of how spacing is key to winning this lane.

I’m recommending this for higher Elo players where lane fundamentals are more solid. If you’re mechanically proficient at Fiora, this is one of the best Gwen League of Legends counter picks you can play.

Worst Gwen counters

Sion – just don’t pick him

This is one of the worst matchups you can play as Sion. The maximum you can do is go even on farm and hope that your allies can win elsewhere on the map. While both champions scale, Gwen has too much damage, sustain, and mobility, countering Sion in all aspects. Unless the team composition requires a beefy front line tank, don’t pick Sion into Gwen.

K’Sante – going even at best

K’Sante falls into a similar category as Sion, with the exception that the former has at least ways to win thanks to the outplay button on the ultimate. That said, Gwen has a clear advantage in this matchup so don’t go for volatile plays or it will backfire hard. A fed Gwen will take over the game, and K’Sante will only be able to clear minion waves with no other way to match her.

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How do you counter Gwen items?

Counters in League of Legends do not just refer to the champions but also to the items built. When going up against Gwen, it’s recommended to stack both armor and magic resistance, given that she bases most of her damage on auto attacks. Below is a list of items to build based on the class of champions you’re playing:

  • Bruisers/AD champions: Maw of Malmortius, Wit’s End
  • AP champions: Banshee’s Veil
  • Tanks: Force of Nature, Spirit Visage, Kaenic Rookern

What Champion is good against Gwen?

The three best champions are Jax, Kayle, and Fiora. There are others you can consider such as Warwick, Singed, and Trundle but they are only work in specific situations or team compositions.

Does Gwen counter Darius?

Darius will always win early on given his higher damage and bleeding passive. In this matchup, Gwen must play the waiting game and slowly scale up. Once you get past three items, Gwen has the chance to start beating Darius.


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