In the world of esports, where intense competition and high stakes are the norms, a heartwarming story has emerged, capturing the attention of the Dota 2 community. Thiay “JT-” Jun Wen, a renowned Malaysian player for Invictus Gaming, has made a huge step in his personal life by proposing to his girlfriend, Wang “Yuno” Jing, a well-known Chinese Dota 2 caster.
JT- and Yuno: A New Chapter Begins Outside Dota 2
The proposal setting was nothing short of a fairy tale, with fairy lights, balloons, flowers, and a “Marry Me” sign creating a magical atmosphere. The joyous occasion was confirmed through a post, showing Yuno accepting JT-‘s proposal.
This event follows other recent personal milestones in the Dota 2 community, including Wang “Ame” Chunyu’s engagement and Tal “Fly” Aizik’s marriage to Evany Chang.
Invictus Gaming’s Continued Success
Additionally, just a day after the proposal, Invictus Gaming showcased their prowess at the Esports Shanghai Masters 2025, a Tier 2 tournament. Here, they manaed to emerge victorious against teams like Eagle and Team Aster.
Their success doesn’t stop there; Invictus Gaming has also qualified for the ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2025, set to compete against formidable teams like TSM and LGD Gaming. This tournament, starting on 11th December 2025, features a $1,000,000 prize pool. Additionally, it offers ESL Pro Tour Points, crucial for future tournament invites.