UPDATE: Digimon Ban List November 2025

Bandai recently announced that an upcoming Digimon ban list would be coming. The announcement of the announcement stated October 17th would be the reveal of the new limited list. Theorists with keen eyes noted that the announcement tweet also made note of unlimiting cards. The ban list announced for the 17th will be implemented in November to coincide with the English release of BT14.

UPDATE: Digimon Ban List November 2025

Source: Digimon TCG

First Unlimited Cards in a Digimon Ban List

In recent years, Digimon cards that ended up on a ban list so far were doomed to remain there. This changed with the November Ban List. BT7-086 Tommy Himi and BT6-015 SaviorHuckmon have been released from their Limited to 1 Status.

This is a first on a Digimon ban list. The choices are odd considering the cards that were limited in the very same ban list. The main theme was reducing OTKs thanks to unintended combinations. Tommy Himi and Blue Hybrids have even more tools to work with in the current environment. SaviorHuckmon will also likely shift Jesmon’s toolbox back to the uninteractive OTKs of old.

Newest to the Digimon Ban list

The ban lists, once again, remain synced. The release of Apocalymon and the new MetalGarurumon pieces in BT15 and EX5 respectively in the east has warped the meta around the Gabumon line. ST6-03 and BT2-069 Gabumon received limits to 1.

This makes these Gabumons the 2nd and 3rd Rookies to be limited in the game. All 3 limited rookies are purple. This was due to these generic cards seeing play in far more engines than intended. In addition to the newly limited BT7-069 Eyesmon: Scatter Mode, the draw discard engine was too strong.

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Mons over Men

Interestingly, commonly predicted candidates for the Banlist – BT12 Marcus Damon, and BT13/BT4 Thomas Norstein dodged the ban list. Instead, BT13-012 GeoGreymon, for its ability to free play a Red/Yellow tamer for free took Marcus’s place. EX4-019 MachGaogamon took the ban hammer to 1 for the MirageGaogamon deck.

BT14 Going Forward

BT14 was mentioned, yet unsurpringly, no cards were preemptively banned. While the Gabumon line was expected to take a hit, most had the crosshair entirely on EX5’s new Garurumon (X Antibody) for its splashability, protection, recursion and memory gain. At maximum power, the card evolves for 0 on Garurumon, gains 1 memory and sets up trash. Its inherit also gives unique protection by cycling cards from trash back to deck.


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